Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kris is coming on Strong

Yeah, I know this blog was setup about Adam Lambert... but what about that Kris Allen!!??

OMG, is he ever cute! And, not only that, I love his voice, and the way he can take any song and make it his own.

Not to take away from Adam, but watching Adam's stuff is so theatrical. Whereas Kris -- he's just so REAL. (and did I mention, he's cute :-)

So... what do you think? Has Kris overtaken Adam's lead?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam, I love you so much! I wish I could meet you. You are an amazing singer! Also you are so cute to the pont where sexy and hot are not big enough words to discribe you. You are waaaaaaaaaaay beond hot and sexy and I realy hope you win! Love,Sierra