Friday, March 13, 2009

Adam on Idol - Love Him... or NOT!

Hey, if you're an American Idol fan, I'm sure you've heard of the new guy Adam, on Idol (American Idol Season 8). For all you uninitiated, that would be Adam Lambert.

Well, Adam seems to evoke pretty strong sentiments -- either you love him or you can't stand him. :-)

Like my husband, John. He walks out of the room whenever Adam comes on. John says he had hoped that 80's rock would never make a comeback.

And, Adam on Idol definitely makes you think of 80's rock! And why not when he's being compared to Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. Even Simon has made this comparison.

There's no doubt the boy can sing!

And, I have to admit, even though I thought he was somewhat of a poser at first, I've come around. After all, not only can he sing -- he's also pretty cute!

So, I thought it's be fun to put this site together, and let people voice their opinion on Adam Lambert.

First off... over on the sidebar there, you'll see a poll

Then, if you REALLY have strong feeling about this... leave a comment below about Adam on Idol -- Love Him... or Can't Stand Him!